If you're traveling for the holidays but have to leave your pet behind, my Critters story today in the NY Daily News gave ideas for last-minute boarding options. In addition to dog boarding and cat sitting, options also abound for bunnies, reptiles, and birds.
Bird owners can find private bird sitter through the Long Island Parrot Society at www.liparrotsociety.org.
It's a jungle at Birdcamp, on E. 53rd St., where birds, from finches to macaws, are each housed in an appropriate-sized cage, and receive daily rations of fresh bottled water, fruit and veggies. (www.birdcamp.com).
If you have to leave your bunny behind, check with your local Rabbit House Society chapter for names of volunteers and veterinarians that board rabbits (www.rabbit.org). Reptile owners can contact Sean Casey Animal Rescue (www.scarny.org) for boarding. Holidays guests already include two sulcatta tortoises, a leopard turtle and a box turtle.
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